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Anudip Foundation for Social Welfare’s response to support families devastated by COVID-19

During the three-month complete COVID lockdown in 2020, Anudip Foundation for Social Welfare undertook a survey of 5000+ households where the primary breadwinner was impacted by COVID. The organisation’s work revolves around using digital skills and technologies to transform lives and provide sustainable livelihoods to their beneficiaries in the age group of 18-25 years. The survey found that, in their student communities, 45% of households had no earning member and 30% reported a drop in income.

On understanding the effect of COVID on low-income households, they started a fundraiser on GiveIndia Fundraisers to provide free grocery and first-aid kits to the doorstep of such households, to help them survive the quarantine period. They have also been supporting their young beneficiaries by providing them with long-term, sustainable skill-building and earning opportunities.

The team at Anudip team comprises of 500 passionate individuals across 16 states who have been brought together by their desire to make a difference and help those in need. Over the course of the fundraiser, the team has learnt to prioritise and evaluate their various interventions - food security, livelihoods, vaccinations and health awareness. There have been 2 major learnings for the team:

1. The channel used to fundraise must be supportive, transparent and user-friendly. They chose GiveIndia Fundraisers as their donors felt secure and comfortable donating through the platform.

2. The cause has to be clearly and directly presented to donors. ANUDIP’s fundraiser for marginalised COVID-affected communities has been able to reach the right donors at the right time.

Monisha Banerjee, CEO of Anudip has some invaluable advice to share with other NGOs that are attempting to fundraise during the COVID emergency. She says, “I think each NGO has its strengths and achievements. It is important to communicate the success stories in a manner which can capture the sensibilities of the reader or donor. Each NGO must remember that for a retail audience, simplicity is important. These donors will not have the technical understanding of corporate or institutional donors. Hence outcome-oriented, human-centric communication is key, rather than processes, systems and technicalities.”

With the help of the funds raised, Anudip has delivered free COVID first-aid kits, groceries and telemedicine services at the doorstep for the entire quarantine period for 5000+ COVID-hit families. In the past 3 months alone, they have placed more than 6000 youth in jobs, and supported people in their communities in getting vaccinated. Team Anudip’s passion to serve people is inspiring, and the impact of their work is testimony to this. We applaud our NGO partner on their exemplary fundraising efforts and relief work!


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