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Know how Aangan raised funds for 500 families within 24 hours, with GiveIndia

Within days of the national lockdown in March, Aangan started getting desperate calls from their strong cadre of 4500 community child protection volunteers across 6 states to say that food shortage was rampant and that thousands of already vulnerable families were now staring at hunger and utter devastation. So Aangan kicked into high gear.

“We knew we had to respond fast - because the situation on the ground was terrible - the lockdown hit the most vulnerable the hardest. Hunger and fear force people to desperate measures - and we understand the cruel impact that has on children. We had two logistical issues to solve - how to raise money fast; and how to find rations during a lockdown and get food in the hands of people. GiveIndia solved the first problem for us.

They gave us a reliable, credible, and hassle-free platform to carry out this extremely critical fundraiser. Thanks to them we met our target to raise money to feed 500 families within 24 hours. Money poured in from people wanting to help across the globe. We were able to extend our campaign and over the next 2 months, thanks to GiveIndia and generous people everywhere, we raised money to feed needy families in Mumbai, Patna, Jharkhand and West Bengal”, says Atiya Bose, Executive Director, Aangan Trust

Aangan Trust, a child protection organization, works across 1,100 locations in India where children are most at risk of serious harm, to ensure that the most vulnerable children are safe, supported, and assured of lives free from trafficking, early marriage, labor and exploitation. Across their locations of work, Aangan works closely alongside local members and stakeholders to make child protection a community priority. As a result, even before the lockdown was announced, Aangan’s community child protection volunteers across their locations of work in Mumbai knew which families needed the most support and how.

GiveIndia’s transparency about how the funds would reach the families, coupled with how accessible it was for contributors to see the amount of funds raised at each point of the process encouraged that any amount, big or small, would be impactful. GiveIndia’s service and support truly aided this very critical campaign and helped Aangan drive it to success.


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