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Empowering donors by enabling them to create micro-level impact

Sphoorti Foundation works with the mission of bringing change to the lives of underprivileged children by providing them with long-term care, inclusive of education and healthcare. Currently they are raising funds for 50 students through individual fundraisers to support their high school education or graduation. While some of these children come from families that are critically affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, some others are orphans, supported and raised by Sphoorti Foundation.

For their recent stint, Sphoorti Foundation held on to the mantra by Tom Suddes, "Impact drives Income", in this case donations. If people believe that their contribution creates an impact in the life of an individual or a community, they do not need much convincing.

Though the organisation does not have a dedicated fundraising team, their staff and Board members assume responsibilities as needed. Once a team is formed, it identifies potential beneficiaries and gathers background information about each child by conducting home surveys and relying on references from teachers and the local community members. All this to ensure that the no deserving underprivileged child is deprived of education. Each beneficiary story is then translated to a fundraising campaign by carefully working on the content so that the intent of the fundraiser is absolutely clear.

The reach-out then begins with Sphoorti first writing to supporters who have been with the organisation since the beginning, as they've believed in its vision from the start and like to see them grow. With every donor, Sphoorti feels that it is important to make them feel as an integral part of the organisation and nurture the relationship responsibly. Our partner thus advises that it is crucial to acknowledge the donation in time and show the impact that the funds have created.

When asked to share advice for their peers, Sphoorti Foundation emphasised that any potential donor is faced with a challenge which is to contribute their funds at a place where it would truly create an impact. Thus, a fundraiser should be presented to the donors not only as an appeal for funds but as a solution to this challenge. Through the fundraiser one should present an opportunity to the donor to make a difference and be a part of the change. "Before you start fundraising, ask yourself why the fundraiser is important? And then find the answer to the question, why should the fundraiser matter to a potential donor? Once that clarity is achieved, be authentic in your approach and do not hold back from reaching-out.", says Mr. Srivyal Vuyyuri, Founder and Director, Sphoorti Foundation.


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