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HopeWorks Foundation's back-to-school campaign

HopeWorks Foundation was launched right in the middle of the Covid pandemic, and today works with 800+ young girls, from under-served backgrounds around Bangalore, to bring them hope for a brighter future. The programmes HopeCitizen, I-Grow, HOSA & Usiru give them the tools, skillset and mindset they need to rise above their circumstances, and get on the path of formal employment, financial freedom and social mobility.

The Back-to-school campaign aims to provide resources like stationery kits, school bags, notebooks and digital devices (laptops, mobiles, tablets) to 1000+ girl children so that they have everything they need to get back to school. Several individual donors showed interest in making small monetary contributions which led the organisation to realise that there might be others who are looking for opportunities to donate to a cause they believe in, but might not have heard about HopeWorks Foundation yet. They found that GiveIndia was a great platform for their campaign to get discovered by such new donors.

Given the high volume of donations being received through UPI payments, it was becoming difficult for their small team to keep track of all donations, and manage donor conversations. To address this, they moved all our individual donations to GiveIndia’s platform. As a result, their donations process for the Back-to-school campaign became more streamlined, and they were effectively able to share messages and updates about the campaign with all donors effectively. Donors could also use a variety of payment modes (cards, UPI, internet banking etc.) based on their preference on the platform, without any hassle. The overall sentiment about this shift was positive. In addition, they also found it easy to share the HopeWorks Back-to-school campaign on GiveIndia through a simple link.

The social media campaign they were running to gather target resources to support 1000+ girl children to get back to school alongside the GiveIndia campaign resulted in 80% of the target being achieved within one-month. They are soon heading towards reaching their goal. What worked really well for HopeWorks Foundation was their multi-pronged approach: first, they identified a clear target, that is, to support 1000 girls. Once that was clear, they picked multiple platforms and tools through which funds could be raised. They explored their donor networks, social media followers and potential donors they could reach through GiveIndia’s fundraising platform. Simultaneously, they kept all their followers and donors informed about the progress, gently nudging them to also share the campaign with their friends and family. They believe that it is important to explore every possible avenue to reach their targets.


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