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'Mann - Center for Individuals with Special Needs' secured a spot on the leaderboard of 100 Heroes

Being in the non-profit sector one hears of GiveIndia very early on, as being one of the most trusted donation platforms. We have always been told by our mentors and donors that we should try and get empaneled with GiveIndia as it increases the credibility of our organization.

GiveIndia’s ‘100 Heroes’ Campaign was a refreshingly new and exciting take on fundraising. It has been an exhilarating experience. Having this bountiful opportunity to win matching rewards on the donations we brought in, was unique. It motivated our team to encourage new donors and volunteers to join in to support and spread awareness about the work we do. Having the ‘Centre Stage’ element to it mid-way was a great way to ramp up the excitement and competitive spirit between NGO’s. Being part of a fundraising campaign where supporters could pledge as little or as much as they liked made it easy to share with everyone.

We learnt very early on that we must always tell our story and share our enthusiasm for our project, and people will naturally want to add their support. Besides this, it is very crucial to have a fully realized and validated idea for a fundraising project. It has to be something that has been tried, tested and proven to be beneficial. We also picked our social networks that match our marketing and content strategies and where potential supporters are most likely to be found, to promote our content. One can extend their reach to a great extent with different social media platforms.

We also created videos to give potential donors a better idea of our project — where they could see our project in action. Having a clear goal and a compelling story is extremely important while running a campaign. Pre-planning and work can make a huge difference when the campaign starts.

One suggestion that Mann has for other non-profits looking at raising funds online is- “Don’t be afraid to be relentless and unhesitant when spreading the word about your campaign and always put in your 100 percent and more no matter what the outcome. Trust us, it will be a positive one. Once you trust the work you do, you will never have to plead for but you will only inspire. And remember IF YOU DON'T ASK, THE ANSWER IS ALWAYS NO.


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