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Ra Foundation leverages its 18th year anniversary to raise funds

Ra Foundation is a Mumbai-based organisation, that works with extremely vulnerable children to transform their lives through education and helps them realize their full potential. On the occasion of their 18th Anniversary, our partner wanted to leverage the opportunity to build awareness about their work and garner support towards their program that provides education and holistic care to vulnerable children who come from the slums of Mumbai.

The non-profit offers their support to the beneficiaries by means of high-quality residential schooling. The end-to-end intervention supports a child from the start of their schooling till they complete their education and are self-reliant in the outside world. One of Ra Foundation's beneficiaries, Rima (name changed for protect privacy), was discovered with her two blind parents on the roadside, near CST Station (Mumbai). The NGO took her into their care and put her up in a residential school where she not only excelled in academics but also realised her passion for arts. She engaged in painting, sketching, jewellery making, Mandala art and more and now teaches Mandala art in the same institution where she was trained. With this, she has also been able to support her blind parents.

To put forth such stories and that of 52 other such alumni, and as a step to achieve their target of supporting 100 beneficiaries till 2025, Ra Foundation setup a fundraiser to motivate their entire stakeholder community to contribute towards the organisation's mission.

The diligent team at Ra Foundation took no time to setup the fundraiser and what followed next was an extensive reach-out to all of their stakeholder community- board members, mentors, team members, interns, student volunteers, regular donors, and close network. While mass emailers and WhatsApp broadcast were helpful, the mentors and board member also ensure sharing their message across their social media accounts and within their network to encourage people to support.

The NGO laid down a proper communication plan which involved specific content for different supporting groups and personalised messages. A social media plan was also prepared with ready content and schedule for posts. The content was set to get more traction and focused on resharing these posts. They also made sure to tag GiveIndia on their posts and stories.

GiveIndia waived off its retention for a week on this fundraiser, as our support to our partner's effort. This added further motivation for the NGO. For their peers reading this section, Ra Foundation emphasises on the importance of engaging with the closest network of the organisation (mentors, board members, committed donors, etc.) By making them feel more involved, NGOs can find their ambassadors within their available networks who would be willing to take more responsibility towards promoting their cause.


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