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The simple brilliance of Bhumi Fundraising Challenge

One of Bhumi’s visions is to make volunteering a national habit. Lots of people volunteer their time and efforts towards social causes like education, environment, animal welfare and disability. This belief at Bhumi is, why not extend the same volunteering mindset and bridge financial gaps in society through the efforts of volunteers?

It was the same thought that also went into the ideation of Bhumi Fundraising Challenge. Bhumi is fundraising team decided to gather their volunteers' interest during GiveIndia Fundraising Challenge, thereby also helping the NGO channel these efforts towards winning matching rewards. Gomathy Natarajan, Manager of Fundraising at Bhumi says, "The power of people can do wonders. With many people contributing towards fundraising a little, Bhumi’s hoping to provide 100+ scholarships to cover school or college education of underprivileged children from shelter homes, orphanages and low-income communities."

Volunteers are oriented on the importance of their involvement in fundraising, how to fundraise and the impact they can create through fundraising. GiveIndia’s bulk campaign creation feature is used to set up fundraising pages, and the team continues to stay in touch with volunteers to offer them support along their fundraising journey. Anyone can fundraise, ranging from school students to working professionals. One of the school students volunteering with them has raised ₹59,000 through 32 supporters so far. There is a clear plan and communication strategy involved in how Bhumi communicates with their volunteers, which is similar to the effort one needs to put into retail fundraising as well. Segment the list of people whom you are going to reach out to, communicate the cause clearly and show them the impact.

We commend Bhumi for the simple, effective plan they have managed to implement to consistently engage with their supporting community and reach out to newer donor pools with every fundraiser.


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