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'We, The People Abhiyan' leverages Republic Day for their first fundraiser with GiveIndia

As a nonprofit that aims to empower citizens to use the Constitution to better their lives, the Republic Day week was the perfect time for ‘We, The People Abhiyan’ to launch their first fundraiser with GiveIndia - and they raised close to ₹7 lakh in this debut effort.

Today we share the learnings directly from their team that encouraged over 140 supporters to donate towards their Constitution Learning Scale-up Project.

"We conceptualized the fundraiser on January 10th as it had to go live on GiveIndia Fundraisers on January 20th – in time for Republic Day. The effort was distributed between the eight of us. Each of us put together a list of key contacts (mainly friends, family and professional contacts) that we could reach out to. The fundraiser was broadcasted on all social media channels and to our email contacts. From the moment we went live, it was all about follow-ups, keeping our contacts updated on the progress and celebrating once we hit and exceeded our final target!”, says Vinita Gursahani Singh, Managing Trustee.

Here are some of their learnings:

1. Storytelling is very important to keep the engagement going. Consistent visibility leads to higher fundraising.

2. Set a small target to start with but increase the target when the fundraiser is going well. We, The People Abhiyan team increased their fundraiser target progressively from ₹1 lakh to ₹5 lakh and ended up raising 120% of the final target.

3. Motivate people to ask others on your behalf. A trustee from We, The People Abhiyan started his own fundraiser. Following his footsteps, two people (outside the team) actively reached out to their network. Finally, 60% of the donations were raised by 3 fundraisers outside the team.

4. Between fundraisers, it is important to connect with the community that has given.

The team’s advice for other NGOs that are starting to explore crowdfunding, "Prepare well, but treat fundraising as an exciting experiment."

We applaud our NGO partner for their effective strategising and wish them luck in all their future fundraising endeavours!


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